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Home > Assessment Administration > Request Scoring
Request Scoring
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You will use the Request Scoring function on the Assessment Administrator menu to receive feedback reports after your participants have completed their work.
  • Before you can request scoring, a minimum amount of participant and rater feedback for a 360 assessment must have been collected.
  • All surveys require the self-form to be submitted before scoring can be requested. The minimum required rater feedback varies by 360 assessment. The IAS Status Report will show the minimum requirements for scoring, highlighted in the screen shot below.
  • The IAS Status Report will show what has been submitted for a given participant. In the following example, Matt Sample would not be ready to score because he has not met the minimums the Boss, Peer, and Direct Report categories. Jane Smith has met the minimum requirements in all categories so she can be scored. For a more detailed look at the status report please view the IAS Status Report Guide.
The Request Scoring function will also show whether a participant is ready for scoring . Before a participant has been scored the “Scorable” column of the Request Scoring page will show one of these possible messages about a participant’s readiness for scoring:
  • Yes – minimum required received
  • No – scoring requirements not met

Initiate a Scoring Request

To initiate a scoring request, first select the “Request Scoring” option on the Assessment Administrator menu.
You will be presented with a search page where you can find the desired session or participant. After putting in your search criteria, you can use the buttons to filter results by scored status.
To request scoring, first check the box(es) of the participants you wish to score.
  • The Benchmarks feedback report has an option to include an additional norm comparison. If you would like to include additional norms in the Benchmarks report, select the desired norm from the drop down on the participant’s row of the Request Scoring page. This is an optional report feature; there is no extra charge when additional norms are requested.
  • The Skillscope feedback report has an option for Report Type. This allows you to select either a breakout or combined report.
    • On a breakout report, rater responses are divided into their rater categories.
    • On a combined report, all rater categories (except for Boss) are grouped into one category. A combined report can be useful when scoring an assessment that has not met the minimum rater requirements in a confidential rater category (Peer and Direct Report), to ensure all item-level response data is included on the report.

After checking the boxes of the desired participants, select the Score Selected Participants button.


Next, you will be presented with a form to enter information on the Feedback Facilitator who is the recipient of the feedback reports. Enter the Facilitators email address first - if the Facilitator is already in the system, the rest of the web page will be pre-populated accordingly. As in other areas of IAS, the red asterisk identifies fields requiring data.
  • Note: Benchmarks and Skillscope reports must be delivered to a CCL certified Feedback Facilitator.
Upon clicking Submit Score Request, the request is complete and the system will begin generating your reports. When the reports have been scored they will be sent to the Delivery Support Tool where the chosen facilitator will be able to access them and release them to the participants. Clicking Cancel will cancel the request and return you to the Request Scoring search page.



If you are still unable to resolve your issue, please contact the CCL Client Technical Support team: Request Support
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